St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Church

592 Middle Neck Road, Great Neck, NY 11023

Ph: 516-482-2770 - Fax: 516-829-3504

St. Aloysius RC Church



Celebrated on the second Saturday of each month at 11:30am. In order to participate in this celebration, parents must register at the Rectory Office for our pre-baptism program.


Los bautizos en español se celebrarán los primeros sabados del mes a las 11:30am. Favor llamar a Bertha del Carpio (516) 829-8343, con un mes de anticipación. La charla de preparación Bautismal se realiza el último lunes de cada mes.

First Communion

First Communion

Both First and Second Grade Religious Education are mandatory before First Penance and First Communion can be celebrated, typically in the spring of the Second Grade year. Children must be Baptized prior to receiving any other Sacraments.



Children in the seventh and eight grades are prepared to celebrate this Sacrament through the Religious Education Program. Adults prepare for this Sacrament through the RCIA process. Call the Rectory Office for further information.

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(Confession/Penance): Every Saturday 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm. and any time at the Rectory by appointment.



Couples planning to marry should contact the Rectory Office before visiting a reception hall. The preparation process is nine months before your proposed wedding date. Call the Rectory Office for further information.

Holy Orders

Holy Orders

Anyone interested in exploring the vocation to the priesthood or the diaconate should call the Rectory Office. Those interested in living their lives as Religious Sisters or Brothers, should call the Rectory.

Annointing of the sick

Annointing of the Sick

In the case of serious, unexpected illness or for those about to enter the hospital, please contact the Rectory Office to arrange for a priest to pray with the ill person.

St. Aloysius Great Neck NY

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